Hydrologic observation

Hydrologic observation


폭우로 인하여 많은 비가 내리면 하천에 홍수 발생 가능성이 증가하므로 정확한 관측이 필요합니다. 이에 수문관측장비 및 통신 등을 시스템으로 구축하여 홍수에 대비하고 있습니다. 이렇게 관측된 자료는 수자원관리에 활용되고 있으며, 댐의 저수량 통제에 활용되고 있습니다. 현재 전국에는 한국수자원공사를 필두로 많은 지역에서 수문관측을 수행하고 있으며, 기후변화에 의한 영향 등에 의해 관측지역은 점점 더 증가하고 있습니다. 이러한 측면에서 많은 인적 물적 피해 저감에 앞장서고 있습니다.

2.1.1 UV질산염 센서(UV Nitrate Sensor)

Advancing UV nitrate sensors, the OTT ecoN combines field reliability with a user friendly, low operational cost, future ready platform. It uses optical UV absorption technology for the determination of nitrate concentrations in fresh environmental surface and groundwater. The calculation of nitrate from the filtered absorption spectrum includes compensations for turbidity and organic interferences. Nitrate measurements and sensor status information is available in real-time for integration into data acquisition systems. The anti-fouling wiper reduces maintenance requirements and extends deployment times for continuous monitoring locations.

  Product type :
Attended, Unattended
  Features :
Ethernet, Data Logger, RS-485 (Modbus RTU)
  Product highlights :
Smart optical technology, access with web browser, optional anti-fouling wiper, calibration verification, fexible application options
  IP-Communication :
  Sensor interfaces :
Ethernet (TCP/IP), RS-485 (Modbus RTU), SDI-12 (via converter)

2.1.2 광학 질산염 센서(Optical Nitrate Sensor)

With improved optics and built-in adaptive sampling intelligence, the SUNA V2 measures nitrate with industry-leading accuracy and stability over a wide range of environmental conditions. The wide range of optional features offered for the SUNA V2 make the sensor a cost-effective choice for routine nitrate measurements.

  Product type :
Attended, Unattended
  Parameters measured :
  Product highlights :
High-accuracy, chemical-free, in-situ nitrate measurement
  Interface :
SDI-12, RS-232

2.2 수질측정기(Hydrolab HL4 – Multiparameter Sonde)

The Hydrolab HL4 is the next generation multiparameter water quality sonde from OTT Hydromet. Know the instrument is working correctly and troubleshoot quickly. Streamline calibration tasks and produce valid, scientifically defensible conclusions.

Use with the Hydrolab Surveyor HL for attended monitoring, or for unattended continuous monitoring applications, the HL4 has on-board data logging and dedicated communications modules for easy integration with external loggers and telemetry.

  Product type :
Attended, Unattended
  Parameters measured :
Temperature, Conductivity, Depth, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (LDO), Turbidity, ORP, Clorophyll a, Blue-green algae, Rhodamine, Ammonium, Nitrate, Chloride
  Product highlights :
The next generation multiparameter water quality instrument
  Interface :
SDI-12, RS-485, RS-232, TTY, USB

2.3 수질측정기(Hydrolab HL7 – Multiparameter Sonde)

The HYDROLAB HL7 multiparameter sonde offers a versatile, durable and practical solution to the day to day needs of monitoring programs for both simple and complex deployments. With a large sensor suite, it is able to thrive in demanding environmental conditions for long term continuous and profile monitoring.

Bio-fouling is minimized when equipped with the central cleaning brush and performance is maximized with an advanced power management system. It has a temperature sensor, seven external sensor ports and an optional internal depth sensor. It helps our customers to correctly log data autonomously and easily integrate into real time telemetry systems.

  Product type :
Attended, Unattended
  Parameters measured :
Temperature, Conductivity, Depth, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (LDO), Turbidity, ORP, Blue-Green Algae, Chlorophyll a, Ammonium, Nitrate, Chloride
  Product highlights :
The next generation multiparameter water quality instrument
  Interface :
SDI-12, RS-485, RS-232, TTY, USB


폭우로 인하여 많은 비가 내리면 하천에 홍수 발생 가능성이 증가하므로 정확한 관측이 필요합니다. 이에 수문관측장비 및 통신 등을 시스템으로 구축하여 홍수에 대비하고 있습니다. 이렇게 관측된 자료는 수자원관리에 활용되고 있으며, 댐의 저수량 통제에 활용되고 있습니다. 현재 전국에는 한국수자원공사를 필두로 많은 지역에서 수문관측을 수행하고 있으며, 기후변화에 의한 영향 등에 의해 관측지역은 점점 더 증가하고 있습니다. 이러한 측면에서 많은 인적 물적 피해 저감에 앞장서고 있습니다.

2.1.1 UV질산염 센서(UV Nitrate Sensor)

Advancing UV nitrate sensors, the OTT ecoN combines field reliability with a user friendly, low operational cost, future ready platform. It uses optical UV absorption technology for the determination of nitrate concentrations in fresh environmental surface and groundwater. The calculation of nitrate from the filtered absorption spectrum includes compensations for turbidity and organic interferences. Nitrate measurements and sensor status information is available in real-time for integration into data acquisition systems. The anti-fouling wiper reduces maintenance requirements and extends deployment times for continuous monitoring locations.

Product type : Attended, Unattended
Features :
Ethernet, Data Logger, RS-485 (Modbus RTU)
highlights :
Smart optical technology, access with web browser, optional anti-fouling wiper, calibration verification, fexible application options
data logger :
range :
Ethernet (TCP/IP), RS-485 (Modbus RTU), SDI-12 (via converter)
2.1.2 광학 질산염 센서
(Optical Nitrate Sensor)

With improved optics and built-in adaptive sampling intelligence, the SUNA V2 measures nitrate with industry-leading accuracy and stability over a wide range of environmental conditions. The wide range of optional features offered for the SUNA V2 make the sensor a cost-effective choice for routine nitrate measurements.

Product type : Attended, Unattended
measured :
highlights :
High-accuracy, chemical-free, in-situ nitrate measurement
Interface :SDI-12, RS-232
2.2 수질측정기
(Hydrolab HL4 – Multiparameter Sonde)

The Hydrolab HL4 is the next generation multiparameter water quality sonde from OTT Hydromet. Know the instrument is working correctly and troubleshoot quickly. Streamline calibration tasks and produce valid, scientifically defensible conclusions. 

Use with the Hydrolab Surveyor HL for attended monitoring, or for unattended continuous monitoring applications, the HL4 has on-board data logging and dedicated communications modules for easy integration with external loggers and telemetry.

Product type : Attended, Unattended
measured :
Temperature, Conductivity, Depth, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (LDO), Turbidity, ORP, Clorophyll a, Blue-green algae, Rhodamine, Ammonium, Nitrate, Chloride 
highlights :
The next generation multiparameter water quality instrument
Interface :SDI-12, RS-485, RS-232,
2.3 수질측정기
(Hydrolab HL7 – Multiparameter Sonde)

The HYDROLAB HL7 multiparameter sonde offers a versatile, durable and practical solution to the day to day needs of monitoring programs for both simple and complex deployments. With a large sensor suite, it is able to thrive in demanding environmental conditions for long term continuous and profile monitoring.

Bio-fouling is minimized when equipped with the central cleaning brush and performance is maximized with an advanced power management system. It has a temperature sensor, seven external sensor ports and an optional internal depth sensor. It helps our customers to correctly log data autonomously and easily integrate into real time telemetry systems.

Product type : Attended, Unattended
measured :
Temperature, Conductivity, Depth, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (LDO), Turbidity, ORP, Blue-Green Algae, Chlorophyll a, Ammonium, Nitrate, Chloride 
highlights :
The next generation multiparameter water quality instrument
Interface :SDI-12, RS-485, RS-232,